Customer Service Update

Customer Service Update

New ACHIA Customer Service Number: 1-888-277-9133

Dear ACHIA Enrollee,

As you may already be aware, ACHIA is experiencing a temporary disruption in its administrative services due to the sudden closure of our prior administrator. Your ACHIA insurance coverage (benefits) remains in place. We are working with a new administrative services partner and are pleased to announce a new Customer Service telephone number.

New ACHIA customer service number: 1-888-277-9133. This dedicated line is here to help you with any questions or concerns related to your health insurance. Our new Customer Service team is ready to assist you during regular business hours Monday – Friday 8 AM to 4 PM. Please update your records with this new number. We will be issuing new ID cards soon.

NO PREMIUM PAYMENT DUE FOR SEPTEMBER 2024:  ACHIA sends your monthly ACHIA premium payment invoices to you. Recently, you may have experienced a delay in receiving those invoices. You may also have encountered difficulties if you use automated bank withdrawals to pay your ACHIA premium. Both of those processes will be back to normal soon. For September 2024, your premium payment is waived. You will not receive an invoice for September, and you will not owe a premium payment for September. Your ACHIA insurance coverage stays in place without interruption.

OCTOBER 2024 PREMIUM PAYMENT: ACHIA will soon be mailing you an invoice for your October 2024 premium. The address to remit your payments to remains the same and is listed below:

P.O. Box 10
Otis, KS 67565

If your premiums have been being paid using an automatic bank withdrawal, you can expect to see your October premium debited from your account in early October.

Thank you for your continued patience as we work to transition all services to our new administrator.